Frequently Asked Questions

                 Please read the following frequently asked questions before contacting us. 

Question: Do you sell parts online?

Answer: Yes, however many parts listed in the PDF parts lists on our site are no longer available and these parts lists are provided
for reference only. When we do not have a part available for online purchase we will often provide links to third party sites through our
affiliation with these sites. Please note that we may receive compensation in the form of affiliate commission when linking to third party
sources for online purchases. We also do not ship outside North America.

Question: Can you tell me what's wrong with my equipment?
Answer: We do not diagnose equipment over the phone or through email. Since problems with small engine equipment can be
caused by multiple conditions, we only diagnose equipment once it is at our location. We also do not have the resources available to
answer all the questions we receive from non local customers or to offer free repair advice.

Question: Can you tell me a part number for my equipment?
Answer: We have a large IPL (Illustrated Parts List) directory available on our site for parts look up.

Question: Do you recycle used equipment?
Answer: Yes, we recycle used chainsaws, blowers, lawn mowers, snow throwers, tractors, trimmers and other small engine
equipment. Rest assured we properly dispose of all hazardous materials such as oil and gasoline in an environmentally responsible
manor. Simply discarding your used equipment in the scrap metal area at the local land fill can result in these hazardous materials
leaking out into the environment. Local residents in New Tecumseh, including Alliston, Beeton, Loretto, Tottenham and surrounding
areas can drop off equipment at our location or contact us to arrange for pick up of unwanted and used equipment. Please note that we
do not recycle electric powered equipment.

Question: What kind of oil or fuel should I use in my equipment?
Answer: We advice that you always refer to the owner's instruction manual of your equipment for information on proper lubricants
and fuel. Most manufactures also offer free downloads of owner's instruction manuals on their websites.

Question: Do you sell used equipment and used parts?
Answer: Yes we have various equipment including used chainsaws, blowers, lawn mowers and trimmers available for sale. Part of
our recycling of used equipment involves restoration for resale. We also sell used parts for chainsaws, lawn mowers, trimmers and
other equipment. We store used parts at two locations and ask that local customers please call in advance for information on used
parts and equipment.

Used chainsaw parts